

I can say with complete honesty that there is no other program that has offered me as much in-depth and knowledgeable information on the subject of hunting coyotes as this class. Armed with years of experience and success in the predator hunting world, Geoff covers it all. From coyote anatomy, behavior, and life cycle to setting up stands for success, calling, and even gaining landowner permission.  The Last Stand Coyote Class has made me a better, and more successful coyote hunter, and is undoubtedly the best investment a person can make in their coyote hunting future.

-Lane G. (Kansas)


I chose to take The Last Stand Coyote Class because I was looking to further understand coyotes and the best way to pursue them. The class Geoff puts on is top notch. From coyote behavior to choosing stand locations to managing your spots throughout the season there is something for everyone to learn. If you like talking and learning about coyotes this is the place to do it. You won’t be disappointed in learning with Geoff!

- Jordan B. (Kansas)


I would recommend The Last Stand Coyote Class to anyone that is new to calling or is starting out and looking to bypass all the trial and error. From selecting locations to coyote behavior and everything in between, it was all very clearly explained. Wish I could have taken the class 10 years ago!

- Trey S. (Montana)


Over the years I had done my own research on how to improve my coyote hunting success. However, I was still struggling to consistently call-in coyotes and get them to commit like I felt they should.  In this class Geoff explained the “Why’s” of coyote hunting. He discussed strategies that work and why. This allowed me to filter out some of the nonsense that I had learned over the years. Using Geoff’s thought process on stand setup, call placement, and sound selection a buddy and myself were able to put more coyotes in the truck than ever before. Over all I thought this was a very educational opportunity and it gave me the confidence to go out and consistently call in more coyotes. I recommend this class to all hunters regardless of skill levels. Geoff’s process is a simple approach that is guaranteed to make you a better coyote hunter.

- Dylan W. (Illinois)


Throughout the class I was able to understand the "WHY" of coyote behavior and how to apply the four P's to my stands. I live in the northeast and everything I learned in class is applicable, as the class focused on coyote behavior, stand setup and your hunt environment. If all you're interested in is "what call to play "and not trying to gather knowledge to hunt better than this is not a class for you. The class is far more than that and you will walk away with the confidence you need to not second guess your setup or what you are doing in the field. 

- Pat Z. (New Jersey)


The coyote class was a great experience! Learning new tactics and techniques as well as solidifying some things that we were already doing has given me a huge confidence boost for hunting back in my home state. Looking at coyote hunting from a probability standpoint was a big thing I picked up on during the class. Instead of 45 minute stands like we were doing, now we do 15-20 minute stands. That not only triples the amount of stands we can make but it also really did triple the number of coyotes we killed this season. I give Geoff Nemnich and The Last Stand Coyote Class a 10/10... worth every penny!

- Christopher F. (Illinois)


The knowledge that Geoff has about hunting coyotes and why coyotes do the things they do is just amazing.  Geoff takes you through all aspects of the coyote hunting experience, to include stand selection, call sequence, equipment and so much more.  The class is well worth it!  I doubled my coyote kills this season by just tweaking a few things that I was not doing quite right and by applying what Geoff taught me in the class.  Everything I employ in the field now I learned from this class. Thank you Geoff for showing me how much more fun coyote hunting can be.  I recommend this class to anyone that wants to become a better predator hunter.  It has helped me out greatly!

- Steve H. (Colorado)


The proof is in outcome.  I have now had the chance to implement what was taught and I can honestly say that my success is night and day different for the better.  In addition to that, I no longer worry or question whether I am doing the right things while hunting.  I know that my process is sound and I stick to it.  Ultimately that has put more coyotes in front of me for success.  I can’t say enough about how perfect this class was for me and anyone looking for a simple, easy to understand process of calling and killing coyotes. In the past I have attended other seminars and watched many videos from other “well known” and often glamorized coyote hunters.  I would leave feeling like they were keeping or holding something back.  I felt as if there were bits and pieces of valuable information but not all of it leaving me to fill in the pieces through many years of trial and error on my own.  Not Geoff, what he teaches is not only what he practices, but is system that is so simple to follow even someone like me could be successful. The curriculum covered essentially everything I knew about coyote hunting from my personal experience then added to it in a simplified way that filled in all the pieces and gaps that I felt I was lacking from other seminars and videos.  Geoff was able to take what likely could have been years of hunting lessons learned and condensed it into a short amount of time.  Essentially his approach is to simply help others avoid having to wade through a lengthy learning curve of coyote hunting. 

- Eric S. (Utah)